All you have to do is share the same link to your session. This way, the same link is always at your disposal.
By default, each new meeting will have an individual ID number and a link to join the session. However, you can also take advantage of your own personal meeting ID, a link you can share with students, link it to reading bookings, etc. you want to want to havethe same link to your Zoom meeting. Data protection – informing the data subject. Filming and photography permits in teaching. What is personal data and specific (sensitive) personal data?. Short check list for processing personal data. EXAM for electronic individual exams and maturity tests. Adding Zoom Activity to the Moodle Course Area and Scheduling Meetings (Fall 2020>). Learning activity or assignment template. Planning and building Moodle workspace for module. Quality criteria for module implementations.
Design quality for module implementation. Digipedagogical tips for everyday e-learning.
Planning and administration of teaching.Since this meeting ID doesn’t change and it is the virtual room equivalent to your office, you want to be present before others are there. OIT recommends making Join before host disabled (not checked).This is a personal URL you can send to others to join your PMI. You may want to customize your personal link.Instant meetings start instantly and you invite others to join at any time.Check the box if you want to use your PMI for instant meetings.There are some restrictions for customizing your PMI (see table below).
we recommend using your phone number (office or cell – it’s your preference). To the right of Personal Meeting ID, click edit. Sign in to the UGA Zoom web portal at. Customize your Personal Meeting Room Meeting ID By changing the PMI meeting ID to something you know (like your phone number), you can quickly tell someone to join you in your personal room and give them your phone number as the ID. Your PMI is ideal to use with people you meet with regularly or for ad hoc meetings. Your PMI or you can schedule a meeting that uses your PMI. Meeting Room (PMI) is a virtual meeting room permanently reserved for your